Fair Go Trading: About the Makers

Kubu Rattan Baskets

Rattan Baskets Fair Trade Makers

Makers Snapshot

Where: Baskets made in Majalengka Regency, West Java, Indonesia. Rattan grown in Surawesi, Indonesia
Materials: Rattan, a type of vine native to Indonesia
Values: Fair Trade, Sustainability, keeping traditional cultural skills alive, supporting artisans in rural areas

Fair Trade Partnership

"Fair Go Trading located this producer group through our network of Fair Trade colleagues who connect with the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO). We first visited this producer group in early 2019, to take a look at their workplace, meet the workers and to discuss arrangements with management. However, we have been working with their umbrella organization for about 14 years."

- Fair Go Trading

The Process

1. Rattan is a wild vine that is native to Indonesia and has been used for hundreds of years to make baskets. Rattan is lightweight, durable, flexible, and beautiful.
Rattan Baskets Fair Trade
2. The rattan is grown in the island of Surawesi, Indonesia.
Map Source: Amazing Sulawesi
3. There are many techniques of processing the rattan, one technique is called "kubu". Kubu is where the harvested rattan is submerged in a pond of mud and leaves for about four weeks. It is a natural treatment against woodworm and other bugs and the rattan changes colour to an earthy pale grey.
Kubu Rattan Process
4. After the kubu process, the rattan is transported to the rattan makers' village in Majalengka Regency, which is located in the Cirebon region in West Java.  It is a rural area with rice fields, vegetable farms and lots of rattan maker activity and workshops. The "kubu village" is a collection of families, relatives and associates who help each other with making baskets.
Kubu Rattan Baskets Weavers | The Fair Trader
5. The rattan is now very flexible thanks to the kubu process, allowing the artisans to weave the baskets. The weavers use their feet, hands, snippers and lots of skill!
Artisans weave the rattan baskets in Majalengka Regency, West Java, Indonesia. Source: Fair Go Trading

You can support these artisans by purchasing their baskets here.


Fair Trade Steel Jugs India

Makers Snapshot

Where: Made in Moradabad, India
Materials Used: Steel, hand-painted with non-toxic paint
Values: Fair Trade, handmade

Shaping the steel to create cups, jugs, cake tins and more
Artisans hand-paint the products using non-toxic paints

Each cup is individually hand-painted!

Fair Go Trading - Steel Tumblers

The last step is polishing the steel so it is bright and shiney


You can support these artisans by purchasing their steel jugs, tumblers and home decor here.

Ami Toys

Ami Maker Bangladesh

Makers Snapshot

Where: Made by Bihari women in Bangladesh
Materials Used: 100% cotton
Technique: 'Ami' means 'crocheted or knitted' in Japanese. 'Amigurumi' is the Japanese art of crocheting or knitting small yarn toys.
Values: Fair Trade, handmade, empowering women, keeping traditional culture skills alive

Bangladesh Cotton

Purchasing the cotton

Ami Makers Bangladesh

A group of women crocheting toys in Bangladesh


A woman skilfully crochets a toy in Bangladesh

Ami Crochet Cotton Giraffe | The Fair TraderAmi Crochet Cotton Koala | The Fair Trader
Ami Crochet Cotton Tiger | The Fair TraderAmi Crochet Cotton Rattles | The Fair Trader


You can support these artisans by purchasing their toys here.