There is an ancient story I heard long ago, that keeps coming to the front of my mind, to re-tell itself to me, where ever I am, and whatever I am doing. It is an odd story, that my brain thinks is important somehow.
The story is about a beggar, positioned at a gateway into a wealthy families home. And a wealthy man that is too busy to note the beggars presence. Both men die, and in the story the beggar, in heaven, gains relief from his pain, and the rich man, in fire, and desperately thirsty, calls out to the beggar, demanding a drink be brought down to him.
Big business leaders have become increasingly possessed by the game of 'profit maximisation'. These corporations seek an expected annual increase in profit margins, creating a seesaw effect of downward pressure on production cost, and widespread abuse of worker groups. Just as the old story tells me, the needs of people are not noted, and the very wealthy are emotionally warped by the weight of their possessions.
It turns out that exploitation is really, really old fashioned
Lately, I have not been able to bear the weight of the daily news, but I also know that good work is not being crushed, and is still working quietly and powerfully across our world.
I have been so strengthened and enabled by my life with you all in Fair Trade. I met you interesting and amazing people, and each one of you is outstanding, and courageously countercultural.
You know that all lives are of equal value, and you have the maturity to see and feel compassion for others. To notice the beggar.
Photo Courtesy of 1 Million Women
The philosopher Peter Singer lectures and writes about 'Effective Altruism'. He calls for a "cultural change to consider poverty eradication a natural part of a moral life" *
This is what you have achieved, and what brought you into our store, and why you choose to spend your hard earned funds on products that single-mindedly work to benefit desperately poor producers.
I am so very glad to have known you all.
It is a difficult realisation that I have to get out of the way now. Humbling. But I deeply know that I need to hand The Fair Trader over to someone who is more talented in ethical business management. Someone who can take what John and I have built, and make it stronger and more effective in Fair Trade.
I have found that person, a wonderful, strong and amazing lady called Tracey Porst. And so the Fair Trader is moving to Brisbane, and into Tracey's capable hands.
I feel so relieved to have found a person who can carry on my passion for Fair Trade, and use it to enable communities who have such deep struggles with all the economic and social implications of poverty. I can rest now.
I am so grateful to each of the Fair Trader Team. These are exceptional people, who brought their separate gifts and worked together to make and build The Fair Trader.
And I have been enriched to know each one of you, thank you for taking the time to chat with me, and stand and listen to the stories behind the products, even though many of you are so time poor. And for the extra funds and the extra effort you took to support The Fair Trader Store. Without each of you we would never have succeeded.
Blessings to you all, Adios! Bron
*The Life You Can Save: How to Do Your Part to End World Poverty. Peter Singer’s book about how each person can be a part of the solution to poverty, it calls for a cultural change to consider poverty eradication a natural part of a moral life.