Fair Trade Certifications
The Fair Trader stocks products with the following certifications:
World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO)

The World Fair Trade Organisation is a global community, and an international verifier of social enterprises that practice Fair Trade.
The WFTO is democratically run by member organisations from 76 different nations. The whole focus of the WFTO is on social enterprise and Fair Trade.
The World Fair Trade Organisation has set the standards for Fair Trade around the world, called the "WFTO Standard'. These criteria are based on 10 Principles of Fair Trade and the International Labour Organisation Standards or ILO.
Through independent reviews of both the producer and the producer supply chain, the WFTO verifies that an enterprise is conforming to the principles of Fair Trade according to the guidelines.
This logo ensures that the organisation that produces the product, and the supply chain that enables the product, have been assessed by the WFTO and have been found fully compliant to the WFTO Standard and the ILO expectations.
(You can learn more about the WFTO by listening to their fab podcast: here)
Indigenous Art Code

The whole purpose of the Indigenous Art Code is to establish ethical standards for dealings between Dealers and Indigenous Australian Artists to ensure:
- Fair and ethical trade in Artwork;
- Transparency in the process of promotion and sale of Artwork;
- To ensure that disputes arising under the Code are dealt with efficiently and fairly.
The Indigenous Art Code helps protect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists by ensuring certified sellers of their art commit to a code of conduct. Signing the Code is a commitment by sellers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art to build strong, ethical and sustainable Indigenous art commerce and to end exploitation, which takes advantage of artists and negatively impacts communities.
Mark from Alperstein Designs is a member of the Indigenous Art Code Board and is clear in his intent to support and showcase the beautiful artworks by Indigenous Artists in Australia.
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)

The 'Global Organic Textile Standard' or 'GOTS' is the worldwide leading standard for organic fibres, with a clearly defined criteria and an independent certification process that includes the whole supply chain of a textile product.
A GOTS label includes four mandatory criteria including:
- The use of Certified Organic Fibres
- An Ecological and Social Criteria
- The standard applies to all processing stages, and covers the labelling, trading, and distribution of all textiles.
- Independent and Third Party Certification of all processors and manufacturers and traders.
This logo ensures that this product has been independently assessed to meet high standards of ecological and social criteria, and compliance is assessed in a diligent manner.
Certified B Corporation

If you see this certification, you have a product that has been stringently examined and a company who is committed to a cultural shift to a business model based on inclusion and social responsibility.
Fairtrade Certification

This is the most recognised symbol of Fair Trade world wide. Fair Trade is an organisation that works with farmers and producers to ensure that the income from their products are given equitably. The organisation is co operative, and belongs to the 1.7 million farmers and producers who belong to the Fair Trade Organisation.
For farmers this label means:
- Prices are set at a minimum level, and do not go below the cost of growing their produce.
- The payment of a FairTrade premium beyond payment for their product, given to the community to build resiliency, and increase capabilities, (many communities use these funds to build schools and medical centres but it is the communities choice, and all members, including the women, get a vote)
- A ban on all discrimination on employment
- No child labour
- No forced labour
- Financial advance at harvest time to reduce financial stress.
The result of these precepts is a growing confidence amongst the member farmers that allows them to not only survive, but to thrive.